On the occasion of the 45th edition of Arte Fiera, scheduled to take place in Bologna from 13 to 15 May 2022, Scrambler Ducati presents Michelangelo Barbieri’s work ” Città del desiderio” (City of Desire), created exclusively for the Scrambler Ducati Food Factory in Bologna in collaboration with Galleria Forni.
The installation created by the Bolognese artist proposes an evocative reinterpretation of the unmistakable Scrambler® Icon, involving and embodying the ideals that have always characterised both Barbieri’s vision and the strong Scrambler® identity: energetic emotions, joie de vivre and freedom of expression.
In “City of Desire” the exploded becomes an art installation, on the borderline between perception and imagination. The exploded diagram in the world of engines identifies an analysis of the parts that make up the whole. Symbolically, the heart and skeleton of a motorbike. With Barbieri’s intervention, vital organs and apparatuses of the Scrambler® are exploded and rearranged according to a prearranged arrangement, but generating new balances, giving life to a new, composite organism. The motorbike, symbol of freedom, of speed, is stopped, dissected, observed in all its parts, suspended in silence.
New light is shed by the fragments ideally recomposed and recontextualised within a light structure reminiscent of the framework of a house, which Barbieri identifies as ‘City’, a leitmotif we find in all his sculptures. A light architecture that emphasises the defence of a protected place, the theatre of extraordinary events, where the order of things is subverted to generate new experiences, represented under the aegis of play. The installation is located in the spaces of the Scrambler Ducati Food Factory in Bologna (via Stalingrado, 27/6) from 12 to 30 May and is part of the programme of works that can be visited as part of ART CITY Bologna and Arte Fiera. From 3 June until 10 July it will also be exhibited in a dedicated area inside the Ducati Museum in Borgo Panigale.